On the 9th of September 2015, E.T.S.V. Scintilla has reached 50 years of age. This 10th lustrum and second lustrum lustrum could not pass by unnoticed. The Zilverling entrance was upgraded with a big inflatable Abraham and Scintilla flag. Our flag was also waving at the main entrance of the University together with the Dutch and European flags.
It is a Dutch tradition to give your friends and family cake when it is your birthday, so members could enjoy this treat during the lunch break and at the Borrel. Because 50 years is very special some very special people joined us for the festivities: members of the first board of Scintilla! These awesome people founded our association 50 years ago and they really enjoyed seeing what has become of their project.
With this kick-off the lustrum year is going to be a great success with many fun activities in the upcoming weeks!