After a night of hiking, seeking, games and drinks, our camping Scintilla members woke up to the smell of freshly baked eggs. Alexander had woken up on time and fulfilled the duty of (coffee) bartender and main chef. After breakfast it was time for our morning activity. With Tim ‘safely’ fastened in the seatbelt of Robert’s bike, we cycled to the nearest forest for a game of live quartets.
The aim of the game was to enter the enemy base, without being tagged by the defenders. Once inside the base, the attacker would take one of the items from the defendants. If a group had gathered four of the same items, they got a quartet. In the end, the group with the most quartets would win the game. An hour after the start, when everyone was tired from running and scratched from the thorns, the game ended. I might have accidently stepped in a ditch at some point and have gotten wet and dirty, besides the previously mentioned tired and scratched.
Back at the camp we had lunch and went to swimming pool ‘De Wilder’. Here, the art of sequential rope swinging ending in the water was perfected until every swing of a rope would swing an electrical engineer into the water. Furthermore, it turned out we are all still children at heart, as it never gets old climb on a floating object and throw others off, back into the water.
The active running in the morning and swimming in the afternoon makes for hungry students, so we got back to our camping farm to have a barbecue. To keep in line with Scintilla classics, it started raining. Two valiant heroes, Bas and myself, volunteered to brave the elements and be the grill masters for the day. With some effort, the last pieces of meats were eaten by the board, so the dining room could be turned into a cantus location.
From now on, the night would be in control of praeses de Vries, his procantor Oostewechel and his master of the bar Broenink. The rest of the evening would be filled with singing and drinking. At the end of the night, taking annoyingly many pictures, racism and being “locked” in the toilet had been discussed into detail and we even learned the way to the Deurningerstraat.